Fun In Archives

To his grace the Efendim of the state,
It has been reported by the Beyoğlu Governorate that on Monday 25 February at 6:30 in the morning Mehmed son of Bosnalı Ali, a hairdresser in Eyüp Sultan, while in the valley going from his house in Feriköy to Darülaceze, was met by two sailors, one of middling height, roughly 20 years, with a torn upper lip, the other of middling height and a long moustache, and following their asking for cigarettes, the mentioned Mehmed was wounded by a knife upon his back and his leg and that the wounded individual has been confined to the children’s hospital for one month to recover and his statement delivered to the public prosecutor. On this matter the decision is that of his Grace in whom authority is invested.

Signed, the Governor of Istanbul

8 Cemaziülahir 1337
11 March 1335 [1919]
Very little to do with my topic in particular, but still -- for lack of a better word -- fun. nb: Translations probably aren't perfect, but here's the transcription I'm working from:
Devletlü efendim hazretleri,

Şubat’ın yirmi beşinci Pazartesi günü kabl-ül-zeval altı buçukta Eyüp Sultan’da perukar Bosnalı Ali oğlu Mehmed Feriköyündeki hanesinden Darülaceze’ya giderken dere içinde biri orta boylu tahminen yirmi yaşlarında ve üst dudağı yarık diğeri orta boylu üzün bıyıklı iki bahriye neferi önüne çıkıp sigara telebinde bulunduğu sırada bıçakla merkum Mehmed’i arkasından ve ayağından cerrah eylemiş oldukları ve mecruh bir ay tedavi atfal hastahanesine yatırılıp müddi’i-i umumiliğe malumat verildiği Beyoğlu mütesarrıflığından bildirilmiştir ol-babda emr-ü ferman hazret men lehu ül-emrindir.


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