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Had the opportunity to work with the tremendously talented Olivia Valentine on a short piece in the architectural zine Soiled.

As the intro to the issue explains:

The fourth issue of SOILED, Windowscrapers, is now available! Purchase a printed copy for US delivery or international deliveryWindowscrapers marks the first in a series of newly-designed issues produced at a local print house in limited edition. The issue was funded with the support of 165 generous Kickstarter backers.Windowscrapers probes the three fundamental functions of a pane of glass: transparency, refractivity, and reflectivity. In turn, it indulges prying eyes, projective portals, and mirrored surfaces to explore voyeuristic people-watching, alternate realities, and strategic exposure.IN THIS ISSUE:Adrianne Jørgensen choreographs a Hitchcock-inspired peep show.Mari Altshuler recounts the serendipitous encounters of un-drawn denizens.Henry Stephens and Hannes Frykholm curate a public screening of domestic happenings.Cristina Garriga alchemizes bedroom fabric into urban fabric.Jimmy Stamp charts a historiography of architectural glass to reveal its latent comedic potential.Irene Chin plants her finger and nose prints upon previously un-soiled retail windows.Olivia Valentine and Timur Hammond interrogate the ways by which we bring the world into view.Julia Sedlock champions the power of small spaces to reinvest architectural agency within the public realm.Cyril Marsollier and Wallo Villacorta awaken a Brutalist icon from its institutionally imposed slumber.AVPD challenges our perception of literal and phenomenal reflectivity by fabricating strange fenestrations.


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