Small Progress

I've been using Scrivener to make progress on my book manuscript. One of the challenges I've run into with the book project has been negotiating between the scope of the book overall (its structure and scope are, to be honest, a little overwhelming) and the day-to-day practice of writing. What has helped over the past few weeks has been bracketing off the big questions and just trying to focus on adding words every time I sit down.

Luckily, the program has a built-in meter that counts daily progress:
Once I find my way to 500 words, I'm done with the book for the day. There are other things to be written, of course, but I can set the book aside.

One of the satisfying aspects of working on the book in this way is how the cumulative nature of the project starts to emerge.
One of the other smart things the program does is actually recognizing the difference between 'draft' and 'other' - so the notes and noodling around that I do while writing don't count as part of my daily limit. Durmak yok, yola devam...


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