Makeshift Things

Eyüp Mezarlığı, Fall 2011
Via a friend,
“Stories about places are makeshift things.  They are composed with the world’s debris.”
-Michel de Certeau, “Walking the City,” The Practice of Everyday Life.
I suppose it might be interesting to think about what counts as debris in Eyüp -- the kinds of things that are restored completely, the kinds of rubble that are moved away. What is left, what comes to count as debris.


Anonymous said…
I think that would be interesting indeed.

(That line caught my eye, while rereading some notes yesterday, because debris and rubble have been on my mind since the last trip to Van, much of which I spent observing 'moloz'--its presence, removal, reuse--and trying to elicit some of the stories that might be composed with, or of, it.)

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