If Beşiktaş Goes to Phasania, We'll Follow Them There
Sunday night, Beşiktaş and Galatasaray squared off in the first of the season's big derbies. If the first half was an open affair with Beşiktaş pressing, the second half saw Galatasaray pull ahead. It was also in the second half that a series of fights broke out in the stadium, with some reports arguing that they were sparked by conflicts between Çarşı and a rival Beşiktaş fan group called Kartal 1453. Çarşı, of course, was one of the most visible groups during the Gezi Park protests, and some have argued that the fights were provoked as part of an effort to extract revenge (the Hurriyet Daily News coverage can be found here, here, and here; there's an excellent and detailed account of the events in Turkish here).
In the wake of the events, Çarşı released another statement. If not quite as deliriously lyrical as their previous statement I translated in June, it's still rich in this language of the oppressed.
In the wake of the events, Çarşı released another statement. If not quite as deliriously lyrical as their previous statement I translated in June, it's still rich in this language of the oppressed.
The following was recorded in the prepared statement:First we thank all of the Beşiktaşlı who said, “If Beşiktaş goes to Phasania [one of the three regions from which Libya is formed], we’ll go” and showed this by taking their place on the evening of 22 September in tribunes of the temporary venue Olympic Stadium.
We read the phrase "football isn’t simply football" this way:
Beşiktaş, for us, isn’t simply a sports club, it’s something far more than this. For us, the things that makes it peerless are its values and its bearing. Let no one have a doubt that we will sacrifice our football for our lives, not our lives for football. However, as for those who have fouled this beautiful game, they should be held to account as our fury and hate is for them.
We don’t take a wrong decision of the referee to be right even if it goes against our rivals.We’ve taken our place not along those who come to win but among those in the right.We’ve traveled in the footsteps of those who, saying “Beşiktaş, you’re our morality,” have passed on this inheritance to us.
Beşiktaşlılık is a state of love, we’ve known that and have lived it so.We’ve always guarded jealously terms like honor and dignity.For our Beşiktaş, we’ve always felt that the thing we call victory is not the numbers displayed on the scoreboard but those most beautiful victories we’ve lived that take their place in our hearts. For us, what’s known as the ultimate victory was never crossing the finish line first.
Victory is for our Beşiktaş, which, so long as our forebears and our traditions that realize our thoughts exist, passes on a blameless and honorable spotless past with head held high to the future and will continue to bring that past to life in the future, victory is for our Beşiktaş to be able to exist.For us, the most just referee is Şeref Bey [1], the most honest sportsman Hakkı Yeten [2]. Let them be known that way.We’ve said it countless times, it’s not difficult to say again for those who insist on not understanding.We were a victim of violence but we were never on the side of violence.We always believed that the best rivalries were always lived spiritually.Defending this belief of ours, we want to underline this once more for those lacking resort to justice and equity and for those degenerate thieves of our labor:Every injustice against Beşiktaş and the Beşiktaşlı finds its answer, because Çarşı is the conscience you lack.
“You always tried, you always lost. So what. Try once more, lose once more, lose even more beautifully!”Let those vultures and packs of jackals know that your pleasure is going to stick in your throat.What we lost isn’t more than 3 points.
From our coach to our ballboys, from our equipment providers to our sportsmen, from our young falcons to our oldest, from our club’s servants to its directors, we’re all one wrist, we’re all one fist.We protect our own ourselves and we hold fast only and only to Beşiktaş.
[1] Via Wikipedia, Şeref Bey is the nickname of Ahmed Şerafettin Bey, the founder of Beşiktaş's football squad. He was also its first captain and technical director.
[2] Via Wikipedia, one of the other luminaries in Beşiktaş history, player, coach, and club director.
The Turkish original reads:
Yapılan açıklamada şunlar kaydedildi;"Öncelikle 'Beşiktaş Fizan'a da gitse gideriz' diyen ve bunu 22 Eylül akşamı geçici ikametgah Olimpiyat Stadı tribünlerinde yerini alarak gösteren bütün Beşiktaşlılara teşekkür ederiz.Futbol sadece futbol değildir sözünü şöyle okuruz;Bizler için Beşiktaş, sadece bir spor kulübü değil, bunun çok daha ötesidir. Bize onu emsalsiz kılan şey sahip olduğu değerleri ve duruşudur. Hayatı futbola değil, futbolu hayata feda edeceğimizden kimsenin şüphesi olmasın. Lakin bu güzel oyunu çirkinleştirenler de bunun hesabını vermelidir ki öfkemiz ve nefretimiz onlaradarı.Hakemin rakiplerimiz aleyhine dahi olsa verdiği yanlış bir kararı doğru kabul etmeyiz.Galip gelenin değil, haklı olanın yanında yer aldık'Beşiktaş sen bizim ahlakımızsın' derken bize bu mirası devredenlerin izinden gittik.Beşiktaşlılık bir aşk halidir, bunu böyle bildik ve böyle yaşadık.Şeref ve haysiyet gibi kavramları hep kıskançlıkla sahiplendik.Beşiktaşımız için zafer dediğimiz şeyin tabelada yer alan sayılar olmadığını, onunla yaşadığımız en güzel zaferlerin yüreğimizde yer aldığını hep hissettik.Bizler için nihai zafer denilen, asla ipi birinci göğüslemek olmadı.Düşüncelerimizi gerçekleştirecek evvellerimiz ve geleneklerimiz var olduğu sürece öylesine başı dik, alnı açık, onurlu ve gurur dolu tertemiz bir geçmişi geleceğe de aktaran ve gelecekte yaşatacak olan Beşiktaşımızın var olabilmesidir; zafer.Bizim için en adil hakem Şeref Bey, en dürüst sporcu Hakkı Yeten'dir. Bunlar böyle bilinsin.Defalarca kez söyledik, anlamamakta ısrar edenler için tekrar söylemek bize zul gelmez.Şiddete maruz kaldık ama asla şiddetten yana olmadık.En güzel rekabetin her zaman maneviyatta yaşanması gerektiğine hep inandık.Bu inancımızı koruyarak adalet ve hakkaniyetten yoksun merciler ve emek hırsızı soysuzlar için bir kez daha şunun altını çizmek isteriz;Beşiktaş'a, Beşiktaşlılara yapılan her haksızlık karşılığını bulur, zira Çarşı sizde olmayan vicdandır.'Hep denedin, hep yenildin. Olsun. Yine dene, yine yenil, daha güzel yenil!'Akbabalar ve çakal sürüleri bilsin ki, sevinciniz kursağınızda kalacak.Kaybettiğimiz şey 3 puandan ötesi değildir.Hocamızdan top toplayıcımıza, malzemecimizden sporcumuza, yavru kartalımızdan en yaşlımıza, kulübümüzün hizmetkarından yöneticilerimize kadar hepimiz tek bilek tek yumruğuz.Kendi yaralarımızı kendimiz sararız ve biz sadece ve sadece Beşiktaş'a sarılırız.Çarşı"